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The Lifeline Signal Paperbacks Now Available!

RoAnna sylver

It’s here. CHAMELEON MOON BOOK 2: THE LIFELINE SIGNAL is now a gorgeous, actual physical paperback book!!

Parole is still burning. And now the day everyone has been waiting for is finally here: it’s collapsed. A lucky few managed to escape with their lives. But while their city burned, the world outside suffered its own devastating disaster. The Tartarus Zone is a deadly wasteland a thousand miles wide, filled with toxic storms, ghostly horrors, and just as many Eyes in the Sky as ever. Somehow, this new nightmare is connected to Parole. And it’s spreading. Now Parole’s only hope lies in the hands of three teenagers reunited by their long-lost friend Gabriel – in their dreams. Growing up outside Parole, Shiloh Cole always had to keep xir energetic powers a secret, except from xir parents, Parole’s strategist-hero Garrett, and Tartarus expert Maureen. When Parole collapsed, all contact was lost. Now, connected by Gabriel and their colliding pasts, xie joins collapse survivor Annie and the enigmatic, charismatic Chance on a desperate cross-country race, carrying a disc of xir mother’s vital plans, whose encrypted contents may be Parole’s salvation. First they’ll board the FireRunner, a ship full of familiar faces that now sails through Tartarus’ poison storms. Together, they’ll survive Tartarus’ hazards, send a lifeline to lost Parole – and uncover the mystery connecting every one of them. The world outside Parole isn’t the one they remember, and it didn’t want them back. But they’ll save it just the same. It’s what heroes do.

This is so exciting, I can’t stop vibrating with joy, okay. This book took around 4 years and sometimes I legit never thought it would actually be done, but it’s real and in my hands and more beautiful than I ever thought possible. The cover is so amazing – thank you Laya/@aroaessidhe – and the interior design/art are too – thank you Lyssa!! And the handwriting is mine. Which still just. Feels. SO GOOD. ❤

And it’s on Amazon now, as an eBook AND PAPERBACK! (Ebooks are in a ton of other places if you don’t use Amazon, here’s a Universal Link with Kobo, Barnes and Noble, etc.)

Photo on 4-3-17 at 11.59 AM #5

JUST… This is good and I feel good and hopefully you will too if/when you read it. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sticking with me through this!

…And there’s a lot more to come. ❤


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