Yep, I pretty much live/breathe/obsess over writing constantly, and editing is something I know I’m good at/do in my sleep. So I figure I might as well open that skill-set up to anyone who needs it, and support my own writing/art/disabled-creator existence while I’m at it. (I’m serious about that ‘editing in my sleep’ thing. I’ve called out my own brain for dream-typos.)
Services I’m Now Offering:
BETA READING: I’ll read through your book, story, poem, or anything else, and tell you my reader-thoughts, reactions, feelings, and questions. A good option if you generally want to know how your work comes across, and how it could be tighter/clearer/more intense from a storyline/character standpoint. Does not include proofreading or line-edits, though I will let you know if I see any glaringly problematic content. (For me to address in detail, please see the Sensitivity Reading packages!)
PROOFREADING/LINE EDITS: I’ll take a detailed look through your writing and make it clean and shiny. I’ll check for grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and flow. By ‘flow’ I mean… does it sound nice? Does one idea go logically and easily into the next? Are there POV breaks/passive-voice slips/general weirdness? (I’m guilty of all of the above, so now I go after these buggers with a bloodthirsty vengeance that demands satisfaction. I mean…I’ll catch all the things.) Does not include sensitivity reading/commentary on problematic aspects; I’m only looking at craft/flow/cleanup here.
My FAVORITE things to read are LGBT-focused sci-fi and fantasy, but I will read anything, any genre!
NSFW/erotica is fine, just please, tell me ahead of time! (Thank you very much for respecting that.)
BETA READING: I’m the author of the successful indie SFF series Chameleon Moon, as well as vampire serials Stake Sauce and Death Masquerade, and one of the founding members of The Kraken Collective, an indie publishing group for positive, high-quality LGBTQIA speculative fiction. Highly connected, highly emotionally-engaging, inclusive/progressive and immersive stories are my brand, jam, design, and life. I also read constantly and have an extremely keen eye/sense for good character moments, tension, stakes, and emotional payoff. If you want to increase your creation’s Feels Factor (yes, I said ‘feels’), talk to me.
PROOFREADING/LINE EDITS: Aside from the Kraken Collective, I’ve worked with several published authors and their short story, novelette, novella, and novel-length works. (Contact me if you want specifics!) Also, I edit constantly as I read. Always. Doesn’t even matter what it is; it’s an automatic reflex by now, and weirdly calming. I can’t turn the editor-brain off, so I might as well turn the impulse into something productive and helpful for you!
Rates – Editorial Freelancers Association
I adhere mostly to the posted EFA rates guidelines, but am ultimately still negotiable. The same discounts for marginalized-writer/ownvoice works as listed below apply here!
Anyone Outside the EFA:
Regular Beta Read (I’ll write you a letter with my general impressions, thoughts and suggestions):
1,000 Words and Under: $10 flat
Over 1,000 Words: $10 + .005 cents/word
Deep Beta Read (with tracked highlights/thoughts/suggestions in a word/pages doc)
1,000 Words and Under: $20 flat
Over 1,000 Words: $20 + .006 cents/word
PROOFREADING/LINE EDITS: (With tracked changes/highlights)
1,000 Words and Under: $20 flat
Over 1,000 Words: $20 + .007 cents/words
All rates are ultimately negotiable! Especially if you’re an indie or self-published writer! And if you’re a marginalized writer or doing an ownvoice story (a work in which you share the marginalizations/identities/experiences of your characters), we can talk bigger discounts. Seriously, I want to help other indies/ownvoice writers as much as I can. Your/our work is super important, and we deserve support and love.
General Stuff: