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RoAnna sylver

Hello – Frustrating news, though not earthshattering, hopefully.


IF YOU PRE-ORDERED THE LIFELINE SIGNAL (or requested an ARC and have not gotten an email from me), PLEASE LET ME KNOW. You may be entitled to a beautifully formatted eBook, 4 days early.


Amazon recently changed their kindle book pre-ordering system/deadline from being midnight/12 PM EST on the due date, to 12:01 AM that MORNING. This means I had one less day than I thought to upload the final eBook version, and I am now locked out of making any updates because it’s in the pre-order review stage. I cannot make changes until it’s already published.

(I would contact Amazon about this, but canceling/editing a book now in this phase constitutes a breach of Kindle Direct Publishing’s TOS, and I would lose pre-ordering privileges for a year. Ayup.)

THEREFORE, if you pre-ordered, the version you will automatically get from Kindle is not the final version. It is not even formatted properly; it will be extremely obvious that it’s an unfinished eBook. I will update TLS as soon as I possibly can (like as soon as it’s out), and Amazon will likely update all your versions automatically, and inform you that a new version is available, because I’ll tell them it’s a finalized, formatted ebook now instead of an obviously-not-final Word document.

I don’t have a guarantee Amazon will auto-update the book for everyone who pre-ordered, because they do not HAVE to do this, and last time I tried this, they didn’t (when they really should have). But I will update it manually, and everyone who buys the book from then on will get the correct version, whether Amazon announces it or not.

But this still sucks. Especially for you if you were awesome enough to pre-order. And I’m not even taking a chance on everyone getting the RIGHT EDITION that is ACTUALLY FORMATTED.

So… If you pre-ordered, CONTACT ME. Here, Twitter, email, anywhere. I will send the gorgeous, fully formatted edition to you  RIGHT NOW (4 days early!).

ARC READERS, CHECK YOUR EMAIL! It should already be there! (Because you’re awesome, and THIS I CAN DO at least!)

Seriously, if you don’t want to risk getting an incorrect version (and Amazon being a butt and not updating when I request), TALK TO ME. NO receipts or proof necessary. I trust y’all, but honestly, even if you didn’t pre-order and are just trying to get a free eBook – THAT’S FINE. THAT IS LITERALLY FINE. I WANT YOU TO GET THE CORRECT VERSION. IT’S GORGEOUS AND IMPORTANT.

(I’m even more annoyed here because the actual book is so PRETTY, everyone who pre-ordered deserves all the awards and ice cream, THIS ISN’T FAIR TO YOU, and this was completely avoidable!)

I’m good tho. I can fix this. One way or another, everyone’s getting the right book.

❤ Thank you so much for your patience, and I’m so freaking sorry about this.

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