“Letizia Made Me Gay” – At Least 4 Readers So far “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” – @agayworthfightingfor “A Murder Mystery Wrapped Up In Gay. With Witches and Vampires and Lots Of Cool Shit.” – Me
If you saw my announcement for STAKE SAUCE, my new serial about gay punk vampires in Portland, you’ll be glad to know… I’m starting a whole ‘nother series, long ago and far away, but Super Freaking Important to that story. (My stuff is always a Conspiracy Wall, and these two stories are made for each other!)
DEATH MASQUERADE contains less punk rock, more opera/masquerade/witch/tarot card High Elegant Spoopy Aesthetic, for lack of a better term, but the same level of gay/trans/polyam representation, and vampire adventure.
The first part, “Major Arcana” is on Amazon for Kindle now! And Goodreads!
And I think it’s going to be fun.
IN WHICH: In 19th-Century Venice, Italy, A Very Cool (And Familiar) Witch Informs A Homicide Inspector That He’d Better Get Used To Vampire Stories. He’s In One. * * * The first short story for Death Masquerade, upcoming serial novel from author RoAnna Sylver. Death Masquerade is a companion series to Stake Sauce, beginning hundreds of years and thousands of miles away. Despite the distance, the stories are deeply connected, and each holds secrets about the other. Someone is murdering by night, and leaving the bodies to burn in rings of fire outside cathedral doors. Holy Inspector Giovanni is here to get to the bottom of the horrors by any means necessary – starting with Letizia, a sharp-eyed and sharper-tongued witch who always, always knows more than she says. Major Arcana contains tarot cards, mysteries, vampire fights, plague doctor masks, nonbinary fire witches, queer vampire-hunter witches, opera, intrigue, secrecy and snark. Enjoy the show.